February 2021 Angelscope

by Nicole Maiorano February 01, 2021

February 2021 Angelscope

ARIES (March 21 ~ April 19)

The romantic overtones in your circle get a boost whether you are in a relationship or looking for a partner especially through 25th. If passion is hard to conjure, hang out with friends, join a group, or bring some people together who share common interests. Your Angel Ariel advises that group interaction is key this month to steer clear of boredom. Go easy when it comes to financial matters this month as finances are on the forefront of disagreements. It might be over the top spending, a salary dispute or other type of financial disappointment causing you some upset. The abundance of air-sign energy makes you more communicative than ever. Now is the time to speak to others and do some research about new assignments or purchases that you have put off going for.  However, you should hold off putting that into action until mid-March.


TAURUS (April 20 ~ May 20)

This month starts off quite productive with well-planned meetings that help shed light on upcoming projects and plans. Your Angel encourages you to take a chance on new endeavors that showcase your talents. Following up with colleagues and clients from past ideas can catapult that plan into action. There is a lot of static in the air at this time, it will be easy to feel overstimulated. Grounding is important to you Taurus friend; Your Angel suggests finding some nature to help you get grounded. Beware of the upcoming demands of your time putting added stress on you. This month’s new moon on the 11th holds promises of a romantic interlude with the right partner, that may help with both personal and business connections. Accept all invitations around this date! Early in the month is the perfect time to review your finances and credit score and start research any financial assistance options available to you like grants, loans, refinancing debt.


GEMINI (May 21 ~ June 20)

While others are completely overwhelmed by the barrage of busy brain, you, my Gemini friend, are good! Archangel Zadkiel states “this is your headspace!” Your angels know that you have no shortage of thoughts, ideas and solutions… but they advise that the trick to mastering this situation is to make sure you are “DOING” things and not just “THINKING” about them… The 2nd is the perfect time to enjoy tender moments with your special someone. Plan a Valentine Vacation between the 11-16th to full advantage of all of this love in the air. Your Angel warns you to avoid any gossip or conversations that may be taken the wrong way because a major flare-up could be heading your way around the full moon on 27th.

CANCER (June 21 ~ July 22)

Archangel Gabriel urges you to do what makes you feel safe. If that includes taking care of others, that’s ok but make sure you are taking care of yourself too. These mid-winter demands put you in the mood for a romantic getaway to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Single Cancers may go through a rough patch with a prospective partner early in the month but can expect a positive change around the third week when the dreamy harmonious vibes open the door to a deeper relationship. The new moon on the 11th is a perfect time to revisit home improvement projects you’ve been putting off. Your Angel suggests you realign yourself with your work goals early in the month and avoid any potential confrontations or arguments toward the end of the month when the energy of full moon comes in to stir things up.


LEO (July 23 ~ August 22)

Archangel Raziel encourages you to take a hard look at yourself and your relationships this month my Leo friend. Harmony is in the air. It is a perfect time to give some thought to promises you’ve made to people and select the right time to act on them! Now is also a great time to disconnect from people and situations that are not stoking your fire. Take a look on contracts and agreements you have signed, paying keen attention to the pros and cons of every detail. Your Angel warns that moodiness on the home front can spark a disagreement early in the month. It’s a great idea to appease that situation right away and enjoy some private time. Mid-month is perfect timing for a weekend away to share the closeness and strength the bond between you and your loved one.


VIRGO (August 23 ~ September 21)

Relationships with friends and colleagues take center stage this month my Virgo friend. Gatherings with workplace associates brings on productive discussions for future projects. Expressions of love from dear friends inspires you to buy gifts or flowers to show your feelings. The second week is the perfect time for socializing and splurging on a night out! Accolades at work come your way later in the month so be sure not to miss any work-related outings or events. One of the benefits may be added money in your paycheck, a bonus or valuable reward. An early Valentine celebration with your significant other or special friend might be a surprise on the horizon!


LIBRA (September 22 ~ October 22)

You’re feeling more upbeat than ever my Libra friend, but you’ve been feeling as of life is moving way to slow for you! Intellectual connection is great, but you’ve been craving some action!! Why not plan a trip this month? A quick little winter getaway with your Valentine sweetheart perhaps…. Archangel Jophiel tells you the dreamy Pisces moon around Valentine’s brings desire to spend some alone time with your special someone.  Your Angel suggests if travel is not an option, perhaps you are up for more intimate soirée as you entertain guests at home. Get your friends involved in some fun and games. It is the perfect way to chase away the winter blues.


SCORPIO (October 23 ~ November 22)

Matters connected to professional projects in groups or organizations set the tone for your interests this month. Your Archangel, Jeremiel, warns you might be met with resistance and find it challenging to connect with others emotionally. He suggests approaching matters with intellect before emotions to ease into situations at work. On a personal level you will enjoy meeting and getting to know people through friends or other group outings. Romance is right on target for you this Valentine’s Day, with the Moon in positive aspect to your Sun, as you are open to discuss your feelings with your partner or potential partner. Your Angel also brings value as you find great deals on booking vacations or making big purchases this month. He suggests waiting until after the 20th to before breaking ground on home projects.


SAGITTARIUS (November 21 ~ December 21)

The first week of the month gets off to an incredible start with the Aquarius Sun in favorable aspect to your sign! You have plenty of energy to burn when the prevailing air-sign stimulates your creative thinking process and promotes new ideas. Archangel Raguel lets you know that groups and professional organizations will start showing interest in your work and ideas, especially early in the month. The new moon on the 11th opens the door to new possibilities in the coming months. Be sure to attend all meetings or outside gatherings where networking opportunities can be ideal! Your input may lead to a new and important role in a new direction the organization would like to go in… a new position or role may be on the horizon!


CAPRICORN (December 22, 2020 ~ January 19, 2021)

Slowing down to check your work is good practice this month my Capricorn friend. Archangel Azreal reassures you that your worries related to last months expenses clear up after you put the brakes on spending and reduce or payoff the balances on your credit cards this month. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to make plans with your sweetheart or enjoy the camaraderie of friends and relatives when the moon is in compatible Pisces. Chatter will accelerate with friends and online connections this month leaving you desirous of spending more time theses contacts. The new moon on the 11th is the perfect time to make those higher end purchases you’ve been contemplating, including vehicles, jewelry and electronics now that your paid down debt has you feeling in more secure in your finances.

AQUARIUS (January 20 ~ February 18)

Happy Birthday Aquarians!! Your archangel is shouting out… You are in your element Aquarius! Life is all about you, who you are and how you express yourself! This phase holds the potential to an incredible journey of self-discovery. You meet some resistance… that is fine… the sand wouldn’t become a pearl without some friction!! DREAM BIG IN 2021! With the planets aligned for you early in the year, whatever you want is yours for the taking!! Take inventory of your assets, qualifications and desired income and set your goals high! Friends and mentors serve as connections to prospective employers, partners, and investors. Accept all invitations to lunches, dinners, meetings, and gatherings this month. Your social life picks up later in the month so hold on tight this month will be a wild ride!


PISCES (February 19 ~ March 20)

Your Archangel urges you to hold on a while longer my Pisces friend. You will feel more like yourself soon. The new moon in Aquarius on the 11th will give your mind a workout and your soul an awakening of consciousness. Enjoy those big dreams and create a pathway to prosperity that allows you to offer them to the right bidder. Spend quiet time working on options for showcasing your talents. Treat your loved ones to a celebratory meal and serve up sweet desserts and gifts to friends and loved ones as the romantic Pisces Moon rises just in time for Valentine’s Day. Your archangel urges you to hold on tight as the pace picks up, with work and relationships, during the week of the 21stwhen the Sun enters Pisces. Excited by entrepreneurial ideas you’ve had all month… divine timing will present itself to bring them to the highest bidder!


Nicole Maiorano
Nicole Maiorano


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